Yes, it gets easier

I am 51 years old as I write this article. A lot has happened. I used to believe that things got better with time when I was a kid. The reality is that things appear to become more complicated, and our ability to deal with them grows. As one grows older, school and life become more complicated. My friends and close relatives are dying off one by one as I get older. As an orphan, I witness my relatives and friends dealing with the medical issues of their ailing parents. Given our new normal, I’d like to believe that younger people are seeing all of these issues creep up on them.

Is there a bright side to all of this? The more challenges one faces, the better-prepared one becomes for the next. There is an idea that one should plan to retire in order to rest. With so many challenges calling, retirement may also consist of assisting one’s mature children or grandchildren. Keep in mind that old age has a way of dampening one’s desire for independence, so prepare to be there for the kids. The beauty of it is that if you make a habit of getting your hands dirty, you will get better at it. It is possible to look forward to aging. We are getting better at dealing with difficult issues as we apply ourselves.

The other intriguing aspect is one’s mental state. I’ve met certain types of senior citizens who are no longer bothered by many things. They are happy with who they have become. They freely express their distinct points of view, regardless of who they are addressing. They are self-assured and fearless. Their ability to experience anxiety, guilt, and shame has significantly decreased. I could go on and on about how much I admire them. Consider not being burdened by difficulties. Regardless of their efforts or lack thereof, these people have seen their circumstances change for the better or for the worse. They are like small children who have no care in the world. Yes, it becomes easier when we accept the inevitable challenges and adopt a mindset that no longer takes things too seriously. All of this takes time and serendipity. Be gentle with yourself because both are occurring right now.