Reality requires working senses

Life has a way of hardening people to the point where they are numb to the things that make life so vibrant. It could be anything from laughing until every part of my body tingled to being disgusted to the point where leaving was unavoidable. I’ve always wondered what happens as we age and assumed that the numbing process was normal. This results in laughter that is no longer spontaneous or powerful and being reviled no longer a thing. The unfortunate thing is that we accept this as the result of navigating reality.

As a result, and because we have accessed sensing life in a specific way, one discovers methods that recapture the sensations. Chemical use, including alcohol, is big business because it can recreate the sensitivity needed to feel confident, courageous, clear-headed, connected, calm, and so on. Depending on what is desired at the time. We were able to experience these things as children because they comprised the authentic person to whom we had access. Why are we unable to access our authentic selves without the assistance of other things?

We are all aware of the five physical senses: touch, smell, sight, hearing, and taste. These senses assist us in successfully and safely navigating our physical reality. When we subject our senses to physical abuse, they can develop protective layers. Because the senses are too dull, these layers dull their sensitivity and force one to develop another way of sensing reality. One continues to exist in their reality, but their senses are no longer capable of informing them of what is happening. Imagine entering a public toilet in a third-world country and not being able to smell or see the place. The response to this space may be inadequate in comparison to the existing problem. The longer response time may increase the chances of being exposed to something undesirable. What does this have to do with being true to ourselves?

The soul is another name for our authentic self. This soul has senses that aid it in navigating its surroundings. These are known as emotions. Fear, anger, grief, joy, sexual excitement, and disgust, to name a few. We can safely and successfully navigate our reality and connect with our authentic selves if we respond appropriately to our emotions. However, many people are socialized from a young age to suppress their emotions. This is primarily due to caregivers failing to teach the child healthy emotional expression. When one begins to avoid or inhibit their emotions, the door to the authentic self becomes more difficult to open. That is why it is so easy to become engrossed in both external and internal chemical use. External is what comes from outside. Internal hormones are those that we stimulate to be secreted in the body. Dopamine is released into the body when we do something we enjoy, causing us to feel pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation. This gives the impression that you are accessing your authentic self, even if you may not be. Many people are essentially walking around with their emotional senses numb.

I hope this makes you realize that emotions call out qualities like courage, compassion, and curiosity. If one’s emotions are numb, one may not feel compelled to act. It’s unfortunate that emotions have been marginalized in society, but when properly nurtured, they can become the senses that unlock the door to the authentic self.